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EACTS Academy Open for Registration Now!

EACTS Aortic Valve Repair Summit

18-19 June 2018 | Paris, France

Course Overview
Bringing together the different schools in aortic valve repair, the summit will cover all aspects of the disease, including medical therapy, imaging, patient selection, and surgical techniques focused on patient outcomes.

The program will include live surgery, live-in-a-box cases, and keynote and abstract presentations.

Visit for more information.


Minimally Invasive Techniques in Adult Cardiac Surgery (MITACS)

26-28 June 2018 | Maastricht, The Netherlands

This outstanding three-day course will focus on the technical aspects of minimally invasive procedures.

Emphasizing the success of the teamwork approach, cardiac surgeons, cardiologists, perfusionists and anesthesiologists will demonstrate the latest technical aspects of new procedures through live surgery transmissions (both 2D and 3D), keynote presentations and live-in-a-box video cases. Visit to view the full program.

This year's course will also feature a 'SimCity,' which will run throughout the program and is open to all delegates. For further information please email

Additional Diary Dates for 2018

04-08 June 2018 | Fundamentals in Cardiac Surgery: Part II | Windsor, UK

14-16 June 2018 | Thoracic Surgery: Part II | Windsor, UK

18-19 June 2018 | Aortic Valve Repair Summit | Paris, France

26-28 June 2018 | Minimally Invasive Techniques in Adult Cardiac Surgery (MITACS) | Maastricht, The Netherlands

06-07 September 2018 | Endoscopic Port-Access Mitral Valve Repair Drylab Training | Maastricht, The Netherlands

20-22 September 2018 | Thoracic Surgery: Part III | Windsor, UK

01-05 October 2018 | Fundamentals in Cardiac Surgery: Part III | Windsor, UK

01-03 November 2018 | 13th European Mechanical Circulatory Support Summit (EUMS) | Berlin, Germany

13-16 November 2018 | Congenital Heart Disease | Windsor, UK

26-27 November 2018 | Professional Leadership | Windsor, UK

13-14 December 2018 | Endoscopic Port-Access Mitral Valve Repair Drylab Training | Maastricht, The Netherlands

For more information and to register, visit