Synchronous Multiple Primary Lung Cancers
Synchronous multiple primary lung cancers should be staged independently. The
tumor with the highest stage of disease or more serious prognostic implications
should be used for tumor registry entry of a single patient and
a specific field assigned for the identification of multiple primary lung cancers.
Coding may then be expanded to include particular characteristics for each tumor,
such as histology, treatment and survival data. If synchronous multiple lung
cancers have similar prognoses and staging characteristics, the tumor receiving
first treatment should be selected for tumor registry data entry.
54a: Posterior-anterior
chest radiograph shows
bilateral lung cancers.
The cancer on the right
is in the right lower
lobe. Fullness is seen
in the right hilum in
keeping with hilar metastasis,
T2 N1 M0, stage IIA.
The cancer in the left
upper lobe, T1 N0 M0,
stage IA (arrow), is
seen to better advantage
on the computed tomographic
scan. Fig. 54b. |