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A Handbook for Staging, Imaging, and Lymph Node Classification
by Clifton F. Mountain, MD; Herman I. Libshitz, MD; and Kay E. Hermes
Contents | About the Author(s) | Dedication and Acknowledgment
 Implications of Staging for Survival Rates
page 65 
Fig. 62: Cumulative proportion of patients with non-small cell lung cancer expected to survive 5 years after treatment according to clinical stage of disease. cStage IA, n=675; cIB, n=1,130; cIIA, n=26; cIIB, n=329; cIIIA, n=445; cIIIB, n=836; cIV, n=1,166. P < 0.05: Pairwise comparisons: cIA vs cIB, P <0.05; cIB vs cIIA, >0.05; cIIA vs cIIB, P < 0.05; cIIB vs cIIIA, P < 0.05; cIIIA vs cIIIB, P< 0.05; cIIIB vs cIV, P <0.05.
Copyright © 1999 - 2003 by CF Mountain and HI Libshitz, Houston, Texas. All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America by Charles P. Young Company. No part of this manual may be reproduced by any means without the prior written consent of the authors.