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Carmelo Dominici

Carmelo Dominici, MD

Sant'Anna Hospital
viale Pio X
Catanzaro   88100
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic


University of Messina, Medical School (M.D. 1993)
University of Roma, General Surgery Residency (1993-1995)
University of Varese, Cardiovascular Residency (1995-1997)
University of N.Y. - Internship Lennox Hill Hospital (1997-98)
University of Milano, San Donato Milanese (1998-99)
University of Milano, San Ambrogio (2000-2002)
University of Roma, San Camillo - Forlanini (2003-2005)
University of Pavia, IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo

Other Interests

Aortic valve repair
Mitral valve repair
GUCH and paediatric congenital heart disease

Practice Areas

  • Cardiac
  • Congenital