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Giovanni Casali

Giovanni Casali, M.D.

Ospedale S. Camillo, Rome, Italy
Via: A. Poliziano, 27
Rome  00184
+39 06 70451096;+39 3472550438
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic


University of Genoa Medical School, Italy (MD1991)
University of Genoa Cardiac Surgery Residency (1996)
Registrar Cardiothoracic Surgery, University Hospital Of Wales, Cardiff, UK (1995-1997)
Registrar Cardiothoracic Surgery, National Cardiac Unit, Dublin, Ireland (1997-1998)
Staff Cardiac Surgeon, Ospedale S. Camillo, Rome, Italy (1998 to date)

Other Interests

OPCAB Surgery
Aortic Surgery
Heart Failure Surgery
Health Care Policy, Management
Health Information Systems, Outcome Research