Onyx Aortic Root Replacement Through a Ministernotomy [1]

This video shows the case of a forty-year-old man who presented with a large 6 cm pear-shaped dilated aortic root. He was offered valve sparing root replacement or a mechanical root replacement and he chose the mechanical valve. A percutaneous femoral vein cannula was used along with a high aortic cannula.
To begin, the patient was cross clamped and retrograde was given. Then, the aorta was opened and resected. The left and right coronary buttons were made and an explosion diagram was created to facilitate the aortic root replacement. The root was sewn in with 3.0 running Prolene in a continuous fashion and the buttons were sewn to the graft. Finally, the distal anastomosis was performed and the patient was safely separated from bypass.
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