Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement for Patients With Symptomatic Mitral Regurgitation. A Global Feasibility Trial [1]
Results are reported of a global feasibility study in which 30 patients at high risk for mitral valve surgery were enrolled at 8 study sites. Patients underwent transapical mitral valve replacement with a Tendyne transcatheter mitral valve. A mitral prosthesis was successfully implanted in 93%. In these 28 patients, the residual MR (valvular or paravalvular) was grade 0 in all but 1 patient and there was no LVOT obstruction. There was no device embolization or cardiac perforation. At 30 days, there was only one death (3.3%). Repeat echocardiography showed no evidence of prosthesis dysfunction. There were no strokes, no myocardial infarctions, and no additional device-related complications during hospitalization. The authors conclude that transcatheter mitral valve replacement using a prosthesis specifically designed for the mitral valve is feasible and can be performed safely.