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VATS Thymectomy With Wristed Instruments: Surgeon-Powered Robotics

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Dunning J. VATS Thymectomy With Wristed Instruments: Surgeon-Powered Robotics. February 2020. doi:10.25373/ctsnet.11886432

This is a video of a right VATS thymectomy. The authors use the ArtiSential® wristed instruments and a camera holder to perform surgeon-powered robotics. This instrument looks and feels exactly like a robotic operation and can do everything that robots do, but it is powered completely by the surgeon and not by a robot.

Other advantages include the ability for the surgeon to be by the bedside for safety, receive tactile feedback, and perform the stapling in lobectomies. This method significantly reduces the advantages of robotics over standard VATS procedures.

Let us know what you think about these instruments and how you think this will affect the demand for robotics!


Joel Dunning received the ArtiSential® Instruments free of charge while investigating them for the first time in thoracic surgery.


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Very nice video Joel. Sounds really like robotics, but probably much cheaper and faster! Are the ArtiSential instruments availbale for use in the UK or North-America yet? Congratulations. Loic Lang-Lazdunski
Compliments to Dr. Dunning who has an amazing capacity to use new techniques in common sense safe approach. Clearly these instruments will add significantly to our capacity and reduce some of the need for robotic approaches. I look forward to using them at the University Of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville TN. Thank you Prof. Peter Philip McKeown
I think that Dr.Dunning is a medical artist who creates his own videos and also starring at them. I enjoyed the new Artisential instruments and look forward to use them as soon as possible.

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