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Dmitry Bazarov
Dmitry Vladimirovich Bazarov, M.D., Ph.D.

Archangelsk State Medical Academy (M.D.1999)
Podolsk central hospital General surgery residency (1999-2000)
Troitsk municipal traumotogical clinic Traumatologist residency (1999-2006)
National Research Centre of surgery, Thoracic division residency (2000-current)
Ph.D. master thesis: "LVRS in severe COPD patients" (17.04.07)
University Hospital Zurich, Thoracic division fellow (1.09.08-30.11.08)
Other Interests
Mesothelioma treatment
Lung and trachea transplantation, LVRS
COPD palliative treatment, interventional and conservative pulmonolgy
NSLC multimodality treatment, staging and epidemiology of lung cancer
Thoracic and oncologic education and up-dates, scientific work and research
FAMILY, Moscow and Russia
Skiing, Bicycle, tourism, theatre, internet,
Rare lung malignance treatment
Tracheo-bronchial resection, tracheo-oesophageal fistulas surgery
Laser surgery
Practice Areas
- Thoracic