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Ioannis Papachristos
Ioannis C. Papachristos, Brigadier General, M.D., Ret

School of Medicine, Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki,GR, 1982-88
401 Army General Hospital, Athens, GR. Specialist-Trainee: 1991-92 (H.O. training 1988-89)
Athens University 'LAIKON' teaching hospital, 2nd Dept. of Gen. Surgery, Specialist-trainee 1992-94
Cardiothoracic SHO, Royal BROMPTON Hospital, London, 2/1994 - 1/1995
Acting Registrar, Thoracic Surg., HAIRMYRES Hosp., Glasgow, 2/1995 - 8/1996
Sp.R. Thorac. Surg., Royal VICTORIA Hosp., Belfast, 8/1996 - 12/1996
Staff Thoracic Surgeon (417 NIMTS Veterans' hospital, 424 Army Gen. teaching hospital etc)
Consultant Thoracic Surgeon, 424 Army Gen. Teaching Hospital, Salonica GR 8.9.1999–11.3.2020
Other Interests
Lung Cancer, staged T1-3 N0-1 M0
Benign & malignant OESOPHAGEAL disease
Chest Wall
Thoracic TRAUMA / penetrating
Pulmonary metastasectomy
Writer (author of non–fiction books)
Antique Medical Books' collector (18th, 19th century)
Practice Areas
- Thoracic