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Leslie Kohman
Leslie J. Kohman, M.D.
Penn State - Hershey (MD 1976)
Robert Packer Hospital - Guthrie Clinic, Sayre PA : General Surgery 1976 - 1981
Thoracic Surgery Residency - SUNY Syracuse, 1983 - 1985
Faculty Member, SUNY Syracuse, 1985 - present
Other Interests
Palliative Care
Practitioner Wellbeing (Chief Wellness Officer 2020-present)
Lung Cancer
Organic gardening
Smoking Cessation
NCI Scientific Review Committee (H), Clinical Trails Groups, 1998 -2003
Thoracic Surgery Resident Education (RRC member 1995-2000, Program Director 2003 - 2007)
Chief Wellness Officer, Upstate University Hospital
Additional Educational Information
Chief Wellness Officer, Upstate University Hospital