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Mark Yeatman
Mark Yeatman, Mr

Bristol Heart Institute
Marlborough Street
Bristol BS2 8HW
United Kingdom
0117 342 6578
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
St Thomas's Hospital Medical School BSc(Hons) 1986, MBBS 1989, MD 1997, FRCS(Eng) 1993, FRCS(C/Th)
Hunterian Professor of Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons of England 1997-1998
General Surgery, St Mary's Hospital, London
Senior Registrar, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol Children's Hospital & Frenchay
Surgery Research Fellow, Duke University, USA
Surgical Instructor, Duke University Medical Center, USA
Transplant Fellow, Papworth Hospital, Cambridge
Other Interests
Keyhole valve surgery
Cornary Artery Bypass Surgery
Valve Surgery
Practice Areas
- Cardiac