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Medical Technology

September 14, 2018
Patient Care and General Interest 3D personalized simulations of patient hearts reportedly allow physicians to better locate and treat arrhythmias.
September 11, 2018
The Editorial Group is grateful to Dr Manos Kapetanakis for bringing to our attention their small case series on a ' lifestyle' late complication of pneumonectomy for malignancy. It will be challenging to guide the swimmer with curable central pulmonary cancer in making an informed decision on the strength of the sporadic Keeling Syndrome.
August 23, 2018
Mark Ferguson of the University of Chicago moderates a discussion on technical innovations in minimally invasive thoracic surgery.
March 8, 2018
Eric Lim of the Royal Brompton Hospital in London, UK, discusses the rise of competing technology in radiotherapy and its effect on general thoracic surgery.
February 21, 2018
A well-written, brief, pessimistic editorial on the loss of surgeon autonomy in innovation.
February 18, 2018
An interesting article describing the interface between medical 3D printing and art.  It briefly outlines current and future applications, and it also describes constraints to the use of this technology.
January 26, 2018
A clear message (although no causation is proven) regarding an important patient-centered research question, going bravely against the tide.
January 22, 2018
A model analysis of a phase I surgical device trial. The readable editorial discusses the adoption of surgical innovation on the occasion of a harmonic sealing device for pulmonary resections, highlighting the problem of ligating small branches of the pulmonary artery in confined spaces. 
January 18, 2018
The authors describe a clinical unit developed at their institution designed to implement "nudges" to help improve health care delivery, primarily through the EMR.   "Nudges" have been used to shape other  behaviors, such as offering opt-out (rather than opt-in) for organ donor status to encourage increased organ donation.  The concept was described
January 8, 2018
A very brief editorial on frailty as a risk factor. In the time of weighing transcatheter interventions versus variable access surgical options, quantifying this physiological concept is of major importance for the cardiac teams and, importantly, the autonomy of the patient.
