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Ethics Portal
March 24, 2020
Drs Daniel Drake and Robert Sade, along with other members of the Cardiothoracic Ethics Forum and several nonmember experts, produced a paper on the ethical considerations for cardiothoracic surgeons in pandemics.
November 29, 2018
Filmed at the 2018 STS Annual Meeting in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Robert Sade moderates a debate on the ethics of a thoracic surgeon at a major medical center performing surgeries at a distant hospital and leaving postoperative care to a local general surgeon.
October 11, 2017
Filmed at the 2017 Annual STS Meeting in Houston, Texas, Dr Robert Sade moderates a debate on the appropriate course of care in the fictional case of a child who cannot be weaned from bypass following heart surgery.
August 18, 2016
In a discussion filmed at the 2016 STS Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, a group of experts discuss the ethics of testing new medical devices in developing countries.
June 17, 2015
Robert Sade moderates a debate with Richard Ohye and James Jaggers regarding the performance of surgery by cardiothoracic surgery residents.
June 12, 2015
Dr. Robert Sade has made it his personal mission to educate surgeons regarding ethics and to help truly establish the field of surgical ethics. The Ethics of Surgery: Conflicts and Controversies represents the latest of his efforts.
March 13, 2007
To be reading this, you either already are or are on the way to becoming a cardiothoracic surgeon. Career choice is no longer an issue. The important concern going forward on your career pathway is the quality of your life, both in its professional and personal aspects.
July 25, 2005
I stood about six feet from the radiant warming bed, behind the nurses and residents who were crowded around, each playing a role in the drama reenacted from time to time in this intensive care unit. They were resuscitating a neonate in cardiopulmonary arrest.