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Francois Montagne
Francois Montagne
Fellow in Thoracic Surgery since November 2018:
• From November 2020 to October 2022: Fellow in thoracic surgery - Thoracic Surgery unit - Prof. Nicolas VENISSAC, University Hospital of Lille, F-59000, Lille, France
• From November 2018 to October 2020: Fellow in thoracic surgery - Thoracic and General Surgery unit - Prof. Jean-Marc BASTE, Medical University of Rouen, F-76000, Rouen, France
Residency in General Surgery from November 2012 to October 2018: Surgery unit - Prof. Henri PORTE, University Hospital of Lille, F-59000, Lille, France
- Since October 2017, working in collaboration with the mesothelioma group – JEAN D, PhD - INSERM UMRS 1138, Team 28 - Mesothelioma Group Functional Genomics of Solid Tumors – FunGeST. The research themes pursued are the study of heterogeneity between malignant pleural mesothelioma - MPM; the study of intra-tumor heterogeneity of MPMs and the identification and validation of anti-tumor compounds. Work established since the year of Master 2 research in biology, physiology and pharmacology of breathing and sleep - B2PRS, 2016-2017, Paris University of Medicine.
Practice Areas
- Thoracic
- Minimally Invasive
- Robotic
- Lung
- Mediastinum
- Pleura
- Trachea and bronchi
- Trauma
- Reconstruction
- Cancer
- Infection