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Hüseyin Melek
Hüseyin Melek, Associate Professor
1990-1993- Highschool-Bursa Süleyman Çelebi Highschool
1999-Faculty-Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Bursa
2001-2007-Resident-Yedikule Chest Disease and Thoracic Surgery E. R. Hospital, İstanbul
2007-2009-Thoracic Surgeon-Bingöl State Hospital
2009-Thoracic Surgeon -Yedikule Chest Disease and Thoracic surgery E.R Hospital, İstanbul
2010 -Thoracic Surgeon-Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara
2010-2013-Thoracic Surgeon-Uludag University, School of Medicine, Department of Thoracic Surgery
2013-2014-Asst. Assoc. Dr-Uludag University, School of Medicine, Department of Thoracic Surgery
2014 -2019-Associate Prof -Uludag University, School of Medicine, Department of Thoracic Surgery
2019-May-Aug-Leuven University, Lung Transplantation Center
2019-2020 Associate Prof -Uludag University, School of Medicine, Department of Thoracic Surgery
Practice Areas
- Thoracic
- Thoracic
- Diaphragm
- Lung
- Esophagus
- Mediastinum
- Trachea and bronchi
- Cancer
- Congenital
- Education
- Professional Affairs