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Juan Vicuna Rios
Juan Rafael Vicuna Rios, MD
San Fernando Medical School San Marcos University Peru (M.D.1997)
Hipolito Unanue Hospital Thoracic and Cardiovascular Residency Peru (2000-2005)
Heart Institute (INCOR) Cardiovascular and Thoracic Department Sao Paulo, Brazil 2004 Fellowship
Barnes - Jewish Hospital Cardiovascular and Thoracic Department Saint Louis MO USA 2005 Fellowshi
Mount Sinai Medical Center Miami Fl USA (March 2010)
National Hospital Edgardo Rebag liati Martins ESSALUD (Jan 2010)
Other Interests
pulmonary surgery in pulmonary tuberculosis
pulmonary hydatidosis
CABG off pump
mitral valvuloplasty
cox - maze procedure
mechanical or biological prothesis
cardiac trauma
distal atherothrombosis
pulmonar resection in cancer
steam cells
Practice Areas
- Vascular
- Thoracic
- Cardiac