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Stephen Gowing
Stephen Donald Gowing, MD, CM, PhD
Additional Educational Information
Educational Background:
BSc Honours Microbiology and Immunology - McGill 2006
MD, CM - McGill 2010
General Surgery FRCSC - McGill 2017
Thoracic Surgery FRCSC - University of Ottawa 2019
PhD Experimental Surgery - McGill 2019 - Post-Operative Pneumonia Promotes Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Recurrence Through Toll-Like Receptor Activation
Research Interests and Skills:
Uniportal (Intercostal and Subxiphoid) VATS Pulmonary and Mediastinal Resection
Minimally Invasive Surgery for Benign and Malignant Upper GI disease
Advanced Endoscopy including: EBUS, Linear and Radial EUS, EMR, ESD, POEM, G-POEM, Z-POEM
Translational Basic Science Research aimed at improving oncologic outcomes
Integration and Utilization of Emerging Technologies in Clinical Practice
Practice Areas
- Thoracic
- Minimally Invasive
- Thoracic
- Medical technology
- Basic science