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New Surgical Attire Guidelines Published

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

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Source Name: Anesthesiology News: Clinical Anesthesiology


Jason S. Chi

A new multidisciplinary guideline for surgical attire has been issued that replaces controversial 2014 recommendations from the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN). The new standard, written by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), American College of Surgeons (ACS), AORN, and others has reversed prior mandates regarding head and arm covering, and clothing worn under scrubs, due to lack of evidence. It is anticipated that The Joint Commission and other regulatory bodies will follow these new guidelines which state, “No recommendation can be made” for the type of head covering worn, wearing long sleeves, or clothing worn underneath scrubs. The author notes significant cost savings from elimination of disposable jackets, and encourages anesthesiologists to have greater input in future policy decisions. A resurgence of the skull cap is warranted based on evidence.  A key lesson from this 5-year distraction is the need for multidisciplinary collaboration by ALL stakeholders impacted by a national policy of this scope.

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