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A Systematic Review on the Efficacy and Safety of Chloroquine for the Treatment of COVID-19

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

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Source Name: Journal of Critical Care


Andrea Cortegiania, Giulia Ingoglia, Mariachiara Ippolitoa, Antonino Giarratanoa, Sharon Einavb

This is an interesting systematic review looking at the evidence so far for chrloroquine for COVID. it is a fast moving field but this cheap option to treat coronavirus may soon become accepted for treatment once the studies have been fully evaluated. 


It has been well reported that chloroquine for prevention of malaria was so unpopular due to side effects amongst fit young troops that the military had to force them to take it in World War 2 and in Indochina. It will be interesting to see what the multiple interactions ,in high APACHE score and poor performance status subjects could be, and how the medicolegal framework would handle morbidity and mortality in this high risk group. When a pharmacological CAUSATION is amiss, blind hope to a medication can be problematic.

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