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35th EACTS Annual Meeting – You Can Still Register!
This year EACTS has a packed scientific program with over eight concurrent session rooms running from Thursday 14 – Saturday 16 October, in person in Barcelona, and accessible online via our new virtual platform.
For those who are planning to reconnect in person, EACTS is aligning its health and safety measures with Barcelona’s latest covid-19 regulations. To make things as easy as possible for you to attend safely, the CCIB Congress Centre, in partnership with QUIRON SALUD, will be offering on-site pcr and antigen testing during this year’s Annual Meeting for delegates who need proof of a negative test for their return travel. Testing will be available from Thursday 14 to Saturday 16 October. No pre-booking is required.
Some key sessions that you won’t want to miss this year include:
- A fantastic programme spanning the breadth of adult cardiac surgery, reviewing the latest evidence in CABG, new techniques, minimally invasive approaches in complex valve repairs.
- The Thoracic Domain hosting the first ever joint meeting with the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC). The focus of this session "Insights beyond TNM" is on the interaction between medical and surgical oncology.
- The Congenital Domain’s programme featuring "An update on Mitral Valve Surgery in Pediatrics," which will consider the principles of mitral valve surgery in infants and children affected by congenital and acquired valve disease. The program also includes a session on heart transportation and mechanical devices.
- The Vascular Domain hosting two joint Professional Challenge sessions with STS discussing the recent evidence and techniques regarding the endovascular treatment of the aortic arch.
In addition to the main sessions, this year we are also introducing the new EACTS Skills Corner. The Skills Corner, located in the Exhibition Hall onsite in Barcelona, offers in-depth live training and step-by-step demonstrations of key procedures carried out by experienced surgeons and key opinion leaders. Finally, don’t forget to check out our Industry satellite session program and list of exhibitors. Register to join the event in person or online today. We look forward to reconnecting with you in Barcelona.