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The 36th EACTS Annual Meeting – Are You Ready?
The 36th EACTS Annual Meeting is almost upon us! Get ready for a non-stop Programme everyday, from presentations from global experts on the latest surgical techniques, to rapid response abstract sessions, to debates on hot topics such as results from clinical trials.
With less than a month to go, tick off the final actions below to give yourself the best experience at this year’s Annual Meeting:
- Register for the Annual Meeting (if you haven’t already!) -
- Download the official congress App - EACTS on the App Store ( / EACTS - Apps on Google Play
- Check the Scientific Programme for a sneak preview of what’s happening
- Using the App under ‘My profile’, create your own bespoke Programme to plan out your days
- If travelling overseas, make sure you have all the documentation you need
If you are unable to join us in-person, there’s no need to miss out! Register today for our new EACTS TV & Video on Demand package!