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37th EACTS Annual Meeting – October 4-7, 2023 (Save the date!)

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We hope you can join us in Vienna for another world-class event aimed at raising the bar and improving patient outcomes!

Sign up to our emails here to ensure that you are notified of important deadlines and general information regarding our 37th Annual Meeting, including abstract submission, registration early-bird rates and our exceptional scientific programme.

Don’t forget, EACTS Members also benefit from reduced registration fees for the EACTS Annual Meeting. Interested in finding out more? Learn about EACTS membership and sign up today here.

Abstract submissions will open on February 1, 2023. Check the criteria and guidance ahead of time: Abstract Submission | EACTS 36th Annual Meeting | Milan, Italy

Highlights from 36th EACTS Annual Meeting

Watch all the highlights from the 36th EACTS Annual Meeting here - ANNUAL MEETING 2022 - EACTS