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The 4M Symposium on Robotic Thoracic Surgery Will Stream on CTSNet

The recent 4M Symposium on Robotic Thoracic Surgery will stream on CTSNet next week, December 11-14, 2017. The Keynote Address by Robert Cerfolio of New York University Langone Health will stream on Monday, December 11 at 6 pm CST. Sessions from the symposium will stream at 2 pm and 8 pm CST, Tuesday, December 12 through Thursday, December 14. These lectures and discussions will be available on a dedicated CTSNet page, the CTSNet Facebook page, and the CTSNet YouTube channel as part of this collaboration between CTSNet and the 4M Symposium.

The 2017 4M Symposium on Robotic Thoracic Surgery was held on November 2-3 at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. This program was created to educate residents, fellows, and practicing thoracic surgeons interested in learning robotic surgery or looking to improve their robotic skills. The courses were designed to provide hands-on experience to novices of robotic surgery, as well as to allow experienced robotic surgeons to advance their techniques. The course also offered in-depth discussions with renowned faculty and critical literature review to better define the value of robotic thoracic surgery.

No registration is necessary to participate in CTSNet’s streaming event. Visitors to the CTSNet website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel will be able to view the stream with just one click.