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AATS International Thoracic Oncology Summit and Evarts A. Graham Memorial Traveling Fellowship
If you have been working on research, clinical trials, new technology, or scholarly activity in lung or esophageal cancer; thymic and pleural malignancies; uniportal, alternative approaches to thoracic malignancies; peri-operative care and enhanced recovery; and molecular and immune-oncology, then don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of the AATS International Thoracic Surgical Oncology Summit taking place October 16-17, 2020.
This virtual forum will give you an opportunity to present significant and innovative research, identify collaborators, and receive feedback on your work. Accepted oral and poster submissions will be given an accelerated review by the JTCVS Editorial Board.
Submit Your Abstract Today
Visit the website for abstract submission guidelines and additional information. The submission deadline is Monday, August 17, 2020 at 11:59PM EDT
Submit an Abstract:
Advance Your Education and Expand Your Global Network
The Evarts A. Graham Memorial Traveling Fellowship is a historic and prestigious training program which provides young academic cardiothoracic surgeons with the opportunity to train at a host site in North America for a full year. Offered through the AATS Foundation, this opportunity was established for surgeons of unique promise who are regarded as having potential for international cardiothoracic surgical leadership. In order to apply, please review the program overview and comply with the following:
- Candidates must identify an AATS Member at a primary host center who will act as a sponsor and assist in planning the course of study for a minimum of six to nine months.
- Applicants are encouraged to select secondary centers in which complementary experience can be acquired for shorter periods of time.
- The awarded recipient is expected to engage in observation, consultation, teaching, and research during their 12 months of training.
The deadline to apply is August 1, 2020. Learn more and apply at
Recipient, Dr. Joon Bum Kim, 2014-2015 Evarts A. Graham Memorial Traveling Fellow, hosted by Dr. Thoralf Sundt, 97th AATS President