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Abstract Submission Now Open for STS 2022
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons is now accepting abstracts and session proposals for its 58th Annual Meeting, which will be held January 29–February 1, 2022, in Miami Beach, Florida.
Abstracts will be considered for oral, poster, and surgical video abstracts in the following categories:
• Adult cardiac surgery
• Congenital heart surgery
• General thoracic surgery
• Basic science research
• Quality improvement
• Cardiothoracic surgical education
• Physician/provider wellness
• Critical care and temporary mechanical circulatory support
The abstract submission deadline is Tuesday, August 3, 2021.
In addition, those involved in clinical trials or prospective clinical research for which no preliminary data will be available by the August deadline can submit late-breaking promissory abstracts if the data are expected to be available by December 13, 2021.
Review the abstract submission instructions and guidelines, and submit your abstract today.
Session Proposals
STS also is accepting unique ideas for compelling sessions during STS 2022. These should showcase emerging, innovative, and/or critical issues facing the professions and include plenary, parallel, hands-on, or other formats. An agenda with speakers and presentation titles must be included in the proposal.
Session types include:
• Plenary: Keynote lecturer, panel, or discussion that would be of interest to all attendees
• Parallel: Ask the Experts panel, pro/con debate, surgical video, or case presentation that would be of interest to a particular discipline or segment of attendees and would occur at the same time as other educational offerings
• Hands-on: Wet lab and/or simulator session
• Other: Any new and innovative ideas, topics, or formats that don’t fit into the above
The deadline to submit session proposals is Thursday, July 1, 2021.