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Abstract Submission Now Open for STS 51st Annual Meeting
Submit your abstract today for The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 51st Annual Meeting! STS is now accepting submissions for scientific oral presentations, scientific posters, and surgical videos to be considered for presentation at its upcoming Annual Meeting in San Diego, January 24-28, 2015.
Abstracts may be submitted in the areas of adult cardiac surgery, congenital heart surgery, general thoracic surgery, basic science research, critical care, quality improvement, geriatrics, and thoracic surgery education.
The STS Annual Meeting is one of the largest and most prestigious cardiothoracic surgery meetings worldwide. Submitting an abstract gives you a chance to increase your professional standing by having your research presented to more than 2,300 cardiothoracic surgery professionals.
All accepted abstracts are printed in the official Annual Meeting Abstract Book, and corresponding manuscripts are to be submitted for publication consideration in The Annals of Thoracic Surgery.
To submit an abstract or review the abstract submission instructions and policies, go to If you have questions regarding abstract submission, please contact the STS Education staff at The deadline to submit abstracts is Friday, June 13, 2014, at 11:59 p.m. CT.