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Announcing the Winners of the 2020 CTSNet Innovation Award Video Competition
CTSNet is excited to announce the winners of the 2020 Innovation Award Video Competition. Congratulations to all our winning videos!
First Place:
Subxiphoid Non-intubated Thymectomy With Pericardial Resection
by Giacomo Argento, Giuseppe Aresu
Second Place:
VATS Left S8 Lung Segmentectomy With Radiological Coil and ICG
by Ilies Bouabdallah
Third Place:
Balloon-Expandable Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement Through Minimally Invasive Approach in Big MAC
by Germán Alberto Fortunato, Guillermo I. Stöger, Alberto Domenech, Ricardo Andr Posatini, Ricardo Gustavo Marenchino, Vadim Kotowicz
Click here to view all of the excellent entries in the 2020 Innovation Award Video Competition!