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Cardiothoracic Trainees Research Collaborative Survey
When has a trainee completed a case, and are we all speaking the same language? This sounds like an easy question, but actually it is vitally important that trainees count full cases in the same way. If two trainees come to an interview and one has done 300 cases and the other 150 cases, you want to be sure that you can believe in their definition of a case, and in the definition of their trainers.
The Cardiothoracic Trainees Research Collaborative (CTRC) wants to know if everyone is speaking the same language when it comes to counting trainees’ cases. Take the survey here and let the CTRC know what you would count as a full case, either in cardiac or thoracic surgery. The CTRC wants to hear from everyone, from the most junior trainee to the most senior trainers, in all specialties. With enough response, the CTRC aims to create guidelines to make sure everyone is counting cases the same.