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CTSNet Livestreamed MiECTiS Live 2020 on Dec. 4

On December 4, 2020, CTSNet livestreamed the Minimal Invasive Extracorporeal Technologies International Society (MiECTiS) Live 2020 global web meeting.

MiECTiS Live 2020 was a virtual meeting that provided an update on MiECTiS initiatives as well as on MiECT advancements. This event featured brief presentations from speakers around the globe, followed by comments from the panel of experts and industry. MiECTiS also provided scientific background for the upcoming 4th MiECT Symposium planned for June 24-26, 2021, in Canada.

To learn more about the event,
including the complete program, faculty, and sponsors, click here.