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CTSNet is Seeking a Resident Editor
Are you a cardiothoracic surgery resident who wants to do more to make CTSNet a great resource for trainees? CTSNet is seeking a cardiothoracic surgery resident, at a US-based training program, to join its Editorial Team. The Resident Editor will contribute to the Editorial Team by assisting with content creation, advising and directing resident-focused content, and collaborating on general initiatives and activity on
Description of Position
- Advise and direct the publication of content for CTSNet that is relevant to surgical trainees who are either in or are considering a cardiothoracic surgery training program.
- Contribute to content creation for CTSNet, such as moderating roundtables, performing interviews, or creating surgical videos, primarily focused on (but not limited to) topics relevant to cardiothoracic surgical trainees.
- Liaise with the Europe-based Resident Editor regarding the creation and publication of content relevant to cardiothoracic surgery trainees.
- Collaborate with the CTSNet Editorial Team on general initiatives and activity occurring on and associated web platforms.
Length of Term
A term of two years. After the completion of the first two-year term, the Resident Editor may continue with one-year terms that are renewable until they complete their training and provided they remain in good standing in their training program.
Application Materials
- A letter listing the applicant’s current residency program, career goals/subspecialty interest(s), why they are interested in being a part of the CTSNet Editorial Team, and one initiative they would want to pursue if they were appointed to the position.
- Current CV.
- A letter of support from the applicant’s program director, service chief, or department chair stating that they are supportive of this application and recognize that the duties will require some time outside of that delegated to education.
Application Deadline: June 1, 2019
Please send application materials to