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Don’t Miss the Second International Webinar on Minimal Invasive Extracorporeal Technologies Live on CTSNet
Don’t miss the Second International Webinar on Minimal Invasive Extracorporeal Technologies live on CTSNet! This excellent event will take place on November 29-30, 2019, and will include such topics as:
- Training on Minimally Invasive Extracorporeal Circulation (MiECC) Systems
- The Future of Perfusion
- Implementing MiECC in Future Perfusion Guidelines
- Integrating MiECC into Purfusion Training Programs
- Input From the Industry: Research and Development
- The Future of MiECC
The livestream will be available on the CTSNet YouTube channel and on a dedicated CTSNet page. Don’t miss out!
The ultimate goal of this event is to create a multidisciplinary forum that will enhance collaboration between experts in the field of minimally invasive extracorporeal technology. Key opinion leaders will discuss the latest cutting-edge developments in extracorporeal technology, and representatives from the industry will also take an active part in the discussions. This year’s meeting will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece, on November 29-30, 2019. To learn more or to attend in person, please see the event page.