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Don't Miss the 2021 ISMICS Virtual Meeting Livestreamed on CTSNet!

The 2021 Annual Meeting of the International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery (ISMICS) will be held virtually June 18- June 20, 2021. Don't miss the livestream of select Cardiac Master Sessions on CTSNet website and on the CTSNet YouTube channel!

You are invited to register for 21 ISMICS RE-IMAGINED Virtual Meeting. This virtual event will present three days of comprehensive online education and focused interactive discussion with world-renowned faculty. Key ISMICS leaders will provide a panel commentary and analysis. To learn more and to register, please explore the 21 ISMICS RE-IMAGINED Virtual Meeting website.

CTSNet is livestreaming the Cardiac Master Sessions on Friday and Saturday.  View the program on the ISMICS website.