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EACTS Academy


Minimally Invasive Techniques in Adult Cardiac Surgery

June 23-25, Maastricht, The Netherlands

Plus drylab and wetlab training, June 26-27, Maastricht and Rotterdam, The Netherlands

The development and implementation of new techniques varies tremendously amongst different specialities, and is most pronounced in cardiothoracic surgery.  
EACTS recognizes the need for structural educational activities in minimally invasive techniques. MITACS was founded three years ago to address this need and has become one of the most popular courses in the EACTS Academy calendar.  
This year’s course, held over three days, is divided into seven parts, each of which is dedicated to a specific technique. These classes demonstrate the technical aspects of new procedures through live surgery, live-in-a box video cases, and invited presentations. The course is a comprehensive compendium of contemporary minimally invasive techniques in adult cardiac surgery. The course is complemented by a two-day hands-on drylab and wetlab program on June 26 and 27, for those who wish to gain and practice the specific skills needed when performing a minimally invasive procedure.  
Early registration is essential!

Advanced Aortic and Mitral Valve Reconstructive Surgery

July 4-5, Windsor, UK
The 2nd Advanced Aortic and Mitral Valve Reconstructive Surgery Course will focus on the diagnosis and surgical aspects of reconstructive aortic and mitral valve surgery, including aortic root diseases.  This is a diversified scientific program offering the full spectrum of learning opportunities, from continuing medical education to presentations on the most recent surgical advances in reconstructive valve surgery.  The program will also feature several case discussions illustrating the challenges of complex reconstructive procedures.
Amalgamating discussions and debates with international experts, this important course will help attendees achieve a comprehensive overview and understand anatomy, pathophysiology, and the use of appropriate techniques.

Univentricular Heart and Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

July 8-9, Windsor, UK
The management of hypoplastic left heart syndrome and its complex palliation has evolved dramatically over the last twenty years since Professor Bill Norwood conceptualized, and was successful in introducing, a three-stage Norwood repair.  Aimed at surgeons and physicians involved in congenital heart surgery, this two-day program will provide an understanding of the morphology of a whole range of conditions in which the heart is not able to be septated because of the small size of the left ventricle. Our international faculty of experts will cover the current Norwood procedures, hybrid procedures, and the possibilities of transplantation.
The second day’s program will include a surgical wetlab focusing on the Hemi Fontan, Lateral Tunnel Fontan, and the Right Ventricle to Pulmonary Artery Conduit.