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EACTS Academy Program Including Minimally Invasive Techniques in Adult Cardiac Surgery



Specialist Courses

Pleuropulmonary Infections and Non-Malignant Disorders, 8-10 May, Belgrade, Serbia

This course will provide surgeons and pulmonary physicians with updated information regarding the indications and optimal timing for surgery for different types of infections. 

Minimally Invasive Techniques in Adult Cardiac Surgery, 23-25 June, Maastricht, The Netherlands

This course will focus on the technical aspects of different minimally invasive procedures. Cardiologists, perfusionists, and anesthesiologists will emphasize the success of teamwork, demonstrating the latest procedures via live surgery, live-in-a-box, and keynote presentations.

Participants will be able to put the theory they have learned during the course into practice, perfecting their skills during three hands-on training labs on June 26-27 at the specialist medical facilities of EM-TRAC in Maastricht and ERCATHAN in Rotterdam.

For more information on EACTS Specialist Courses, please click here

Foundation Courses, EACTS House, Windsor, UK

Advanced Module: Open and Endovascular Aortic Therapy, 19-21 March

This course is a three day program of invited presentations, interactive discussions, OsiriX Course, simulators for endovascular training, and a full day’s wetlab!  Not to be missed. 

Thoracic Surgery – Part I, 31 March-4 April

In this course, participants gain more insight and up-to-date knowledge on different aspects of thoracic surgery related to lung diseases with an emphasis on lung cancer, infectious diseases, lung resection, and transplantation.

Coronary Surgery, 14-17 April

With special focus on off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery, this masterclass is for both experienced cardiac and cardiothoracic surgeons and residents in cardiac and surgical training.  The course will provide a balanced combination of knowledge and technical skills through theoretical lectures, high-level interactive discussion, and anastomotic skills sessions on low-fidelity simulators.

For more information on EACTS Foundation Courses, please click here