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First-Ever AATS Surgical Treatment of Arrhythmias and Rhythm Disorders Meeting

The newest AATS meeting, AATS Surgical Treatment of Arrhythmias and Rhythm Disorders, is an interactive forum that supports the exchange of information between electrophysiologists and surgeons. Co-sponsored by the Heart Rhythm Society, this comprehensive, unbiased review of the surgical treatment of cardiac arrhythmias and rhythm disorders will that will take place in Miami, FL, on November 17-18.

Set up as an interactive forum, presentations will cover basic underlying mechanisms, cardiac recording and mapping techniques, clinical electrophysiology, operative techniques, cardiac monitoring and appropriate follow-up. Take a look at the preliminary program to see what presentations are planned by Program Directors Ralph J. Damiano, Jr. and A. Marc Gillinov, and the Program Committee. Take part in a scientific electronic poster competition by submitting an abstract by September 15, and register by October 16 to qualify for the early rate.