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First International Conference on Sublobar Resections for Lung Cancer Will Stream on CTSNet
The First International Conference on Sublobar Resections for Lung Cancer will stream on CTSNet this week. Sessions from the conference will stream at 1:30 pm CST (7:30 pm GMT) on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, January 17-19, and on Monday, January 22, 2018. Conference lectures and discussions will be available on a dedicated CTSNet page, the CTSNet Facebook page, and the CTSNet YouTube channel as part of this collaboration between CTSNet and the conference.
The conference took place on January 11-12, 2018 at the Institute Mutualiste Montsouris in Paris, France. The purpose of the meeting was to focus on all different aspects of sublobar resections for lung cancer, from indications to preoperative planning and advanced surgical techniques, while also looking at forthcoming technologies.
No registration is necessary to participate in CTSNet’s streaming events. Visitors to the CTSNet website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel will be able to view the event streams with just one click.