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The HVS Annual Meeting 2020 Will Be Live Feb. 15 on CTSNet
The Annual Meeting of the Heart Valve Society (HVS) will take place in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, from February 15-16, 2020. This year's meeting has sessions on the aortic, mitral, and tricuspid valves; congenital heart valve disease; and valve science; as well as special focuses on neglected mitral valve disease and sex-differences in valve disease. The meeting also features several abstract sessions and presentations of challenging cases by experts. View the complete program for more details, and register to reserve your spot at the meeting.
For those who cannot be in the United Arab Emirates, plenary sessions from the HVS 2020 Annual Meeting will stream live on CTSNet.
Saturday, February 15
Plenary Session I: Masters of Valvular Heart Disease (9:00 am - 11:00 am Gulf Standard Time)
- How I Witnessed the Evolution of Surgical Aortic Valve
Replacement (9:00-9:15 am) - How I Witnessed the Evolution of Transcatheter Aortic Valve
Treatment (9:15-9:30 am) - Case Presentation of Aortic Stenosis - SAVR vs TAVR (9:30-9:40 am)
- Discussion (9:40-9:45 am)
- How I Witnessed the Evolution of Surgical and Transcatheter Mitral Valve Treatment: A Surgeon's Perspective (9:45-10:00 am)
- How I Witnessed the Evolution in Imaging of the Valves Case Based Examples (10:15-10:30 am)