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Livestream June 7 & 8: Ancona Virtual Live Course Presented by CTSNet: Minimally Invasive and Transcatheter Cardiac Surgery From Theory to Practice, Episode II

CTSNet is honored and excited to present once again the ‘Minimally Invasive and Transcatheter Cardiac Surgery’ course that first took place in June 2020. Register using the link below, and watch the livestream here on this page beginning Monday, June 7!

Given the remarkable level of participation of last year's event, the Ancona Virtual Course Director, Professor Marco Di Eusanio, has organized another unforgettable experience. The Ancona Live Virtual Course, Episode II, will be presented in collaboration with CTSNet on June 7 and 8, 2021, and the conference will be archived on for ongoing access.

Minimally Invasive and Transcatheter Cardiac Surgery
From Theory to Practice, Episode II

June 7 and 8, 2021

9 am Eastern Time, 3 pm Rome (GMT +2)

Click here for a time zone conversion website.

A prestigious faculty, composed of international KOLs and experts in the field, will focus on CABG, aortic aneurysms, and mitral valve surgery. For detailed information, including faculty biographies and the virtual exhibition, please see the Ancona Virtual Live Course website. This course is designed to be engaging, with time for discussion and constant interaction between the attendees and the faculty, including an opportunity for each session to discuss a video abstract selected from your submissions.

If you want to be part of our discussion, submit your minimally invasive and transcatheter interventions by May 23 to Submissions should be 5 minutes in length, HD, and showing a challenging case or an innovative technique.

To explore the program for the 2-day event, click here.




Martin Andreas, Vienna - Austria

Husam Balkhy, Chicago - USA

Joseph Bavaria, Philadelphia - USA

Nikolaos Bonaros, Innsbruck - Austria

Johannes Bonatti, Vienna - Austria

Mariano Cefarelli, Ancona - Italy

Roberto Chiesa, Milan - Italy

Piroze Davierwala, Leipzig - Germany

Marco Di Eusanio, Ancona - Italy

Torsten Doenst, Jena - Germany

Emanuele Gatta, Ancona - Italy

Mario F. L. Gaudino, New York - USA

Gino Gerosa, Padua - Italy

Kendra J. Grubb, Atlanta - USA

Joerg Kempfert, Berlin - Germany

Christopher Maria Münch, Ancona - Italy

Sathyaki Nambala, Bangalore - India

Tom C. Nguyen, San Francisco - USA

Wouter Oosterlinck, Leuven - Belgium

Mauro Rinaldi, Turin - Italy

Eric Roselli, Cleveland - USA

Gilbert H. L. Tang, New York - USA

Maurizio Taramasso, Zurich - Switzerland

Gianluca Torregrossa, Chicago - USA

Karel Van Praet, Berlin - Germany

Bart Van Putte, Nieuwegein - Netherlands

Tristan D. Yan, Sidney - Australia

* The faculty list could undergo some change

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