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Livestreamed Dec 2 & 3: International Thoracic Oncology Symposium 2020

CTSNet livestreamed the International Thoracic Oncology Symposium 2020 on December 2 and 3, 2020. This year’s symposium was a fully interactive and comprehensive event to provide the most current aspects of thoracic surgery, oncology, and chest medicine. Watch here or on the CTSNet YouTube channel.

To learn more about the event, including the details of the daily schedule, faculty, and sponsors, click here

December 2nd

December 3rd

The International Thoracic Oncology Symposium’s scientific program states that participants will be able to:

  • have a deeper knowledge of diagnostic modalities for thoracic malignancies
  • be familiar with the most up to date form of treatment according to stage
  • be able to choose and offer the patient several therapeutic modalities with an explanation of advantages and disadvantages
  • be confident in drawing a treatment plan involving several specialists and treatment modalities (surgery, oncology, and radiotherapy).