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New App Regarding Aortic Surgery Guidelines

Aorta: Aortic Surgery Guidelines is a free new app for surgeons, cardiologists, and trainees. The app aims to provide clinicians caring for patients with aortic pathologies patient-specific recommendations for aortic replacement surgery based on AHA, AATS, STS, ACC, CCS, and ESC guidelines on aortic diseases. The Aorta app provides the guideline recommendations based on a set of easy data entry points, which the user simply needs to fill out. The app then combines all the elements to inform the clinician about the presence or absence of a surgical indication, and the strength of the recommendation.

Aorta was developed by consultant cardiac surgeons Yoan Lamarche, Ismail El-Hamamsy, and Philippe Demers of the Department of Surgery at the Montreal Heart Institute. Aorta is available free for iOS, Android, and on the web.