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New EACTS Academy Courses

Registration is now open for the EACTS Transcatheter Aortic and Mitral Valve Interventions course in September, followed by the Congenital Heart Disease course in October. These courses will include highly interactive lectures, video presentations, and practical sessions.

Transcatheter Aortic and Mitral Valve Interventions

Date: 14-15 September 2015

Course Director: Hendrik Treede, Hamburg, Germany

This will be an interactive course to introduce surgeons to the rapidly developing world of transcatheter mitral valve intervention. EACTS believes that it is critical for surgeons to be totally involved in these developments, and that the heart team approach is critical to the long-term success of this field.  This course is aimed at senior trainees and consultants with a serious intent to develop this sub-specialty in their departments.

Congenital Heart Disease

Date: 27-30 October 2015

Course Director: Viktor Hraska, Sankt Augustin, Germany

This will be a course on surgical anatomy, physiology, and principles of surgical and non-surgical treatment of congenital heart diseases for advanced residents and junior congenital heart surgeons.  This course is based around 12 modules that will cover the majority of congenital heart diseases. The introduction will focus on elaborating anatomy, nomenclature, principles of perfusion and diagnostic tools. A hands-on wetlab will provide training on different surgical techniques.

Coming Soon: Mitral Valve Surgery (9-11 November), Surgical Treatment of Lung and Heart Failure (16-20 November) and Hospital Leadership (23-24 November).  Further details are available on the EACTS Academy website.

Don't miss out: 29th EACTS Annual Meeting, 3-7 October 2015, Amsterdam RAI

The EACTS Annual Meeting is the largest cardio-thoracic meeting in the world, a position it has maintained for over a decade.  Highlights will include an outstanding scientific program, Techno-College, industry symposia, and an exciting trade exhibition. For more information and to register, please click here