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Register and Submit Abstracts for the 2017 Heart Valve Society Annual Meeting
The Heart Valve Society (HVS) will be conducting its 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting on March 2-4, 2017, at the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco. To register, please visit
There is still time to submit abstracts. The deadline to submit is Monday, November 28, 2016 at 11:59 pm EST.
The HVS is a multidisciplinary organization, and the program for the Monaco Meeting embraces the Heart Team. Highlights of the 2017 meeting will include:
- Presidential Address by Gilles Dreyfus, MD on Functional MR
- Aortic Valve Repair: Time for Generalization
- Balancing Risks, Benefits, and Costs in 21st Century
- Heart Valve
- Basic Research - Valve Science and Diseases
- BAV: From Molecules to Man
- Biological Valves in Young Patients
- Biomarkers in Valve Disease Surgery Decision Making
- Biomechanics and Mechanobiology Heart Valve Dysfunction
- Clinical and Translational
- Challenging Situations on Aortic Stenosis
- Engineered Models of Normal and Diseased Valves
- Exotic Materials and for In-vivo Engineered Valves
- Experimental and Computational Valve Tissues Studies
- Hot Topics in TAVR
- MitraClip: Lights and Shadows
- Next Steps in Valves: Consensus and Dissension
- Percutaneous Heart Valve Therapy
- Rapid Fire Challenging Situations
- Rheumatics Disease and AF: Advances and Innovations
- Robotic Valve Repair - Unique Challenges
- Secondary Tricuspid Regurgitation after Previous Mitral Surgery
- Shifting the Paradigm of Mitral Valve Repair: From Minimally Invasive to Microinvasive Surgery
- The Future of Imaging: How do We Assess the Heart?
- The Perfect Valve: Mechanical or Biological
- Tissue Engineering Heart Valves
- Translating Heart Valve Tissue Engineering to the Clinic
- Valve Cell Biology and Pathology
- Valve Disease Registries in Comparison to RCTs
- Towards a Warfarin Free Mechanical Valve
- Prosthetic Heart Valves Thrombosis
In addition there will be Great Debates and Collaborative Sessions with EuroValve, the European Society of Cardiology, and the InterAmerican Cardiac Society. There will also be the Moderated Poster Competition.
The HVS offers all members of the heart valve community the opportunity to participate in its Annual Meetings, as well as volunteer, participate, and become active in its committees and research networks. You can learn more about the HVS and sign up for membership by visiting