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SCTS Ismailia Masterclass: March 26-27, 2021
"SCTS Ismailia Masterclass" Virtual Conference is a digital experience that combines a tradition of excellence with the innovation of tomorrow. The conference will be held virtually from March 26-27, 2021.
Presented by SCTS, ESCTS, and CTS.SCU.
Authorized by The Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery in Great Britain and Ireland. Those who attend the conference for two days will get 14 hours of SCTS CPD certification.
The conference contains two days of live activities including live educational sessions, presentations, discussions, international talks, live Q&As, and online networking that incorporates the latest research, technology, and practice in all major cardiothoracic surgery from an engaging panel of multidisciplinary experts.
The conference is designed for all specialists of the cardiothoracic surgery field, whether you’re an experienced surgeon or just starting your career.
Organized by Pure Spot Events Management