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WTSA Traveling Fellowship for Residents, Trainees, and Practicing Surgeons

The Western Thoracic Surgical Association proudly announces its new Traveling Fellowship for Residents, Trainees, and Practicing Surgeons.

The goal of this traveling fellowship is to promote interaction and learning between residents/ trainees/practicing surgeons and WTSA members. The traveling fellow will visit a university-affiliated or academic practice of his/her choosing, within the boundaries of the WTSA, for a period of one to two weeks, under the sponsorship of a WTSA member at the hosting institution. The traveling fellow does not need to be a WTSA member. The award is open to any resident/trainee/practicing surgeon. A stipend of up to US $5,000 will be provided to the traveling fellow, to defray reasonable costs for travel, lodging, and meals, with expenses reimbursed upon receipt of the fellow’s final written report and summary of expenses.

Completed applications must be submitted no later than December 15, 2015. It is requested that the awardee be present at the 42nd WTSA Annual Meeting, June 22 – 25, 2016, in Waikoloa, Hawaii, to receive the award. The fellowship must be completed during the period of June 26, 2016, to June 20, 2017. It is further requested that the awardee attend the 43rd WTSA Annual Meeting, June 21 – 24, 2017, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, to make an oral presentation about the traveling fellowship experience.

Read complete award details & access the online application.