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January 23, 2015
Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,   I trust you are well. Writing you as the President of the European Society for Surgical Research (    
December 11, 2014
This excellent historical review of surgical pioneer Hugh Agnew Gamble, MD, FACS was written and published by Michael C. Trotter, MD, FACS in the American College of Surgeons Bulletin. Dr. Trotter brings his subjects to life and the read is informative and entertaining. It harkens us back to an era long since past but that played such an important role to shape where we are today. I was amazed to read about the courage of Dr. Gamble and the determination he had to accomplish so much in such an economically depressed area and era.
October 17, 2014
I wanted to play around with the da Vinci robot to see what I could do with the technology besides operate on the heart and lungs. I did this painting several years ago when I was developing my skills with the robot. In my spare time I like to paint. I decided to paint a miniature Van Gogh using oils, mini paint brush tips and a 2x2 canvas.
August 21, 2014
Professor Dr Maqsood Elahi has finally started the ECMO services in Pakistan the very first and only service in this region. He envisages that Pakistan will soon be in line with USA and very few European countries who can provide this therapy to heart and lung patients.
August 9, 2014
CardiacEye International Foundation- A Heart Charity. Founder & Chairman Dr Maqsood Elahi (Adult and Paediatric Cardiothoracic Surgeon)
June 29, 2014
This is learning series of mitral valve repair using Low-Fidelity concept of Simulation . This include Triangular resection, PTFE chords and mitral annuloplasty
June 12, 2014
An interesting case wherein a patient presented with a very large obstructing RV mass and RV failure. The mass, which was firmly adherent to the right atrium, coronary sinus, tricuspid annulus, tricuspid valve, and right ventricle, was excised and a tricuspid valve replacement performed.
May 30, 2014
A short presentation on some of the techniques used to address MAC (mitral annular calcification) is followed by an operative video demonstrating several of the techniques. Techniques discussed include mechanical debridement, CUSA debridement, supra-annular MVR, and infra-annular MVR.
May 12, 2014
Operative videos illustrating the technique for surgical repair of (1) an uncomplicated type A dissection, (2) a ruptured type A dissection, and (3) a type A dissection involving a tear of the RCA ostium. Arie Blitz, MD
May 7, 2014
Two years old male child came to our service with complain of sudden onset dry irritant cough. clinical examination demonstrate decrease air entry on the right side. chest X ray show a foreign body (FB) in the right main bronchus and a tunnel inside the FB. Using Fogerty catheter inserting its tip inside the tunnel then inflate the balloon distal to FB and gentle withdrawal of the whole bronchoscopy system with it
March 18, 2014
Here is our video giving the details of our cardiac arrest protocol that will form the basis for the STS guidelines in this area.