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February 24, 2020
In this video, the authors describe the preoperative embolization of a bronchopulmonary sequestration.
February 20, 2020
In this Giants of Cardiothoracic Surgery interview, Joel Dunning speaks with Oscar Howard “Bud” Frazier about his career and experience with mechanical hearts.
February 18, 2020
This video shows the bioprosthetic failure of both aortic and mitral valves implanted 14 years ago in a patient.
February 17, 2020
This video demonstrates a trainee-led open resection of four pulmonary nodules using the LEONARDO® Dual Wave 200W laser system.
February 13, 2020
Richard Booton of the Manchester University NHS Foundation in the United Kingdom presents a discussion on lung health checks and lung cancer screening.
February 12, 2020
This video demonstrates a posterior tunnel Fontan and Senning-type pulmonary venous baffle in a patient with complex single-ventricle anatomy.
February 11, 2020
This video shows the minimally invasive repair of a complex set of lesions of the mitral valve from healed endocarditis with anterior and posterior flails with A2 perforation.
February 11, 2020
In this video, the authors demonstrate a modified Manouguian aortoplasty in patients with 16 mm aortic annuli.
February 10, 2020
The authors describe a thoracoscopic repair of a vascular ring formed by a right aortic arch and a left ligamentum arteriosum.
February 6, 2020
In this Giants of Cardiothoracic Surgery Interview, Joel Dunning speaks with W. Randolph Chitwood Jr., the first surgeon to perform robotic mitral valve operations in the United States.