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August 13, 2021
In this session we discuss common scenarios where the addition of venous or arterial cannulae to a traditional ECMO configuration may be necessary, and we familiarize the surgeon with the techniques necessary.
August 12, 2021
This is challenging case report of a 21-year-old female admitted for a left completion pneumonectomy for bronchiectasis which was performed successfully by uniportal VATS approach, and having as antecedent a left lower lobectomy by a left posterolateral thoracotomy in 2008 for bronchiectasis.
August 11, 2021
A technical video showing major steps of the Toronto EVLP protocol.
August 10, 2021
The step-by-step technique on how to perform robotically-assisted bilateral thoracic arteries harvest is herein presented.
August 9, 2021
With growing interest in employing minimally invasive surgery for the resection of chest masses, this operative technique feature provides the technical and anatomical details of the resection of a large anterior mediastinal mass with a corresponding video highlighting key steps of the operation.
August 5, 2021
We present a robotic-assisted diaphragm repair and pleurectomy for thoracic endometrial disease.
August 4, 2021
This video demonstrates how easily and safely we can excise a mediastinal schwannoma with the use of the DaVinci robotic system.
August 3, 2021
Neonatal non-compatible heart transplant in donor circulatory death is shown in this video.
August 2, 2021
This is a bisegmentectomy of S2 plus S6 for a tumor in the interfissural plane between the upper lobe and the lower lobe.
July 29, 2021
Complex redo-reconstruction of recurrent sterile sternal non-union with omentoplasty, titanium bars and pectoralis muscle flaps.