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March 25, 2021
The objective of this video is to present the case of a successful tracheobronchoplasty performed in an adult patient with a membranous tracheobronchomalacia.
March 24, 2021
Brian Mitzman interviews lead author and expert Dr Bryan Burt on an in-press JTCVS publication evaluating robotic first rib resection for thoracic outlet syndrome.
March 23, 2021
In this video, the authors demonstrate the step-by-step approach to perform septal leaflet augmentation and several neochordae that allowed effective correction of severe tricuspid regurgitation with annular dilation and complex tethering of valve leaflets.
March 22, 2021
On March 19, CTSNet hosted a live webinar, moderated by Amy Fiedler, MD, discussing heart transplantation in 2021 and beyond. The recording is now available.
March 22, 2021
This video demonstrates how to perform robotic right middle lobe lobectomy.
March 19, 2021
In this video, the authors present the clinical case of patient diagnosed with a giant oesophageal leiomyoma (>10cm) which was successfully enucleated through a robotic approach.
March 18, 2021
The authors present a video summary of anatomy and technical aspects of right upper lobectomy, right middle lobectomy, right lower lobectomy, left upper lobectomy, and left lower lobectomy.
March 17, 2021
This video demonstrates the use of a patient-tailored circular clamp for accurate, safe, and rapid lung-sparing excision of centrally located lung nodules.
March 16, 2021
This video illustrates decalcification of an extensive posterior mitral annular calcium bar using the ultrasonic aspirator to facilitate mitral repair, and after mitral repair, the patient did well long-term with no further cardiac symptoms.
March 15, 2021
This is a video of a right lower lobe sleeve resection using the Artisential wristed instruments, including a wristed needle holder.