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Featured Profile and Interview With Jean-Marc Baste, MD

Friday, June 7, 2019

Professor Jean-Marc Baste is a consultant surgeon in the department of cardiothoracic surgery at Rouen University Hospital in France. Prof Baste earned his MD from Bordeaux Medical School in France, after which he trained in general surgery at Rouen University, then in cardiovascular and thoracic surgery at Rouen University and Bordeaux University. He completed a clinical fellowship at Austin Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, before returning to France as a junior consultant surgeon, first in general thoracic surgery in Bordeaux then in cardiothoracic surgery in Rouen, France.

Professor Baste’s clinical interests include lung cancer management, lung volume reduction surgery, lung transplantation, and video-assisted and robot-assisted thoracic surgery. His research interests include lung transplantation. Additionally, his experience in leadership of a surgical department leads him to be acutely aware of surgeons’ need for strong skills in team management, and he performs research on NoTechs (nontechnical skills), crisis resource management, and stress management. Prof Baste is a member of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons, the French Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, and The French National Academy of Surgery. He is Secretary of the French Robotic Group and is a member of the ESTS Robotic Group. He is also the CTSNet Guest Editor for the series Nontechnical Skills in Cardiothoracic Surgery.

Claire Vernon for CTSNet: You did your initial training in France and then completed a clinical fellowship in Australia. What was the most interesting or valuable aspect of pursuing training in a different country?

Professor Jean-Marc Baste: I was impressed by the quality of life at work and the organization. In France we are too sensitive and should learn how to foster the professional relationship rather than friendship. This professional attitude ensures more confidence in our work.

CTSNet: What is the biggest challenge facing minimally invasive thoracic surgery right now?

JMB: Safety and performance with the development of new technologies.

CTSNet: Technical skill is obviously important for surgeons, but can you address the importance of leadership skills and the capacity to foster the surgical team’s success?

JMB: Leadership is the cornerstone with the inception of new technology, and an environment of trust is mandatory for safety and performance nowadays.

Team simulation training at Prof Baste's institution.

CTSNet: Why is team simulation training so important for minimally invasive surgery?

JMB: Team simulation is a new educational tool to involve the whole team. Cardiothoracic minimally invasive surgery presents new risks and hence different stress. Respecting technical and nontechnical processes should secure these approaches. To learn all of these processes with the entire team in a nonstressful environment, simulation is the best way forward.

CTSNet: How does your clinical research complement or influence your approach to patient care?

JMB: My clinical research is focused on performance which means cost-effective medicine. Minimally invasive surgery associated with preoperative and postoperative rehabilitation should drastically improve our results.

CTSNet: If you had a magic wand to create the next innovation in CT surgery, what would it be?

JMB: The next innovation will be a nontechnological one: the creation of a complete network with health professionals and patients to simplify our care with better results!

CTSNet: What is your favorite thing about CTSNet?

JMB: Easy availability of high quality content.


Regarding my experience with Pr Jean Marc Baste. After several ct scans, pet scan and ct guided needle biopsy, several lung doctors and lung surgeons in France, London, Germany had me ready for a RML lobectomy. Being in a state of shock to find out i had a malignancy and needed a serious Open surgery, (thoracotomy) i had reached out to many cancer centers, one of which in London replied, that i had reached the wrong place but that they had forwarded my email to someone in France. This someone was professor Baste who contacted me immediately, we did a zoom and after seeing my biopsy, he told me that he did not think it was malignant, and asked me which mediation i was on. I replied, no, nothing, i had not been given any medication by my doctor in St. Laurent to Var. Will not mention names (but several lung doctors and surgeons, never gave me anything to verify it was malignancy in my RML and instead directed to do an open surgery. Pr Baste told me to take heavy doesage of Amoxicillin for 2 weeks and redo ct scan. After the 3 rd day of taking ammoxicillin, my light coughing blood stopped, i was feeling rejuvenated after 4 months of doing tests and seeing so many doctors and the ct scan showed the mass was reduced by 50% and then the pet scan showed it was all gone from my lungs. I did another ct scan which showed complete regression and it was a very bad pneumonia according to my doctor. So, itwas Pr Baste who saved me from unnecessary surgery and to me he is rare and an incredible human and amazing specialist who cares. I owe him and i hope to visit him in Rouen soon. What surpised me the most, is that no other lung doctor even though about putting me on antibiotics prior to confirming with (their group) supposedly and agree to do surgery. I just dont want anyone else to go through what i went through but i am so grateful towards Pr Baste. Thank you Professor ! I will never forget you ! Peter

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